How to make a Portable charger

Portable charger
Smartphones is gadget for everyone, nowadays. And commonly the have problem the battery life. It will easy if we stay at home, but how about if we are living or in location that does not have electricity. Or how about if we are in camping, travelling etc. it’s so

To avoid these problems, we can make a portable charger and powered by 9 volt batteries. Let me try with this schema from

We need some electonic component list below
1 Resistor  150 Ohm;
1 Elco  100 uF;
1 Capacitor    0.1
1 IC Regulator  IC7805;
1  LED                            
1  Female USB connector;
1 Battery connector;
1 key to turn on and off the set;
1 battery 9 volt
1 PCB board

And here the circuit

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